Google Buzz Team. Stop. Now.

#“Google Buzz Team. Stop. Now.”

Google Buzz just gave me screen after screen of tweets spread over a few hours from people I follow, all in one go.

Buzz is broken. Pretty much every user-impacting decision they made was wrong. Google built an application where Employee of the Month went to whoever could rattle off the largest number of Open Standards inthirtyseconds. Open blahblahblah blah blah blah, Activity blah blah, rel=yawn, federated blah blah blah, semantic circlejerk 3.0.

We users don't care. We want something we can bloody use.
  • Stop.Now.
  • Shut everything down except built-in updates and comments.
  • Shut down all the "algorithms"
  • Shut down the hooks to Reader
  • Shut down auto-everything
  • Shut down auto-scrolling
  • Comments from people I do not follow are not important.
  • Recreate Jaiku with Google Contacts
  • Launch that
  • Iterate
  • Ye know, basically that thing you should have done when you bought Jaiku in the first place.

Stop talking about open-standards that no-one gives a good-god-damn about and start talking about users and their needs.

Hire some designers who know the first thing about User Experience and privacy concerns. Not Pubsubbubbahotepfuckingpub.

Google meet Wheel. Wheel, Google.

I think that's me and Buzz on a trial separation until they get the basics right.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland