Google Buzz on Mobile - What Latitude should have been

#“Google Buzz on Mobile - What Latitude should have been”

I did a running commentary during the announcement on Twitter. Not convinced by the Desktop stuff but the mobile bit is brilliant and I'd be crapping myself in any Local-focused site.

Read this stuff in reverse order:

@dermotcasey I'm unconvinced by the desktop stuff. But mobile blew my socks off.

No update for Google Maps in Android Market. C'monnnnnnnnnn #buzz

Forget all my negative stuff about the desktop side. Google actually has me really excited by the mobile aspects of #buzz.

Oh shit it's Gillmor. Wait for him to ask Sergey if they have implemented Track in #buzz

Gowalla picked the wrong day to roll out an API. Yesterday might have been a smidge better :-) #buzz

I said it over a year ago after seeing @marissamayer at @leweb , Google will own Local. That new mobile #buzz stuff is incredible.

OK, the mobile app integrating into Place Pages is a killer. Nice. Maybe Yelp shudda took the money.

So Google simultaneously going after Facebook, Twitter, Friendfeed, Foursquare, Yelp and Gowalla. Boiling the ocean.

Ouch ouch ouch. New Google Maps for Symbian, WiMo and Android. "Other platforms coming". Sticking it to the Steve.

Vic thinks they are called "Tweeds" not Tweets. Screw your algorithms. I want filters! That I create. Human not machine. Geddit?

So Google is adding a bunch of features that Facebook is deprecating like auto-suggesting best content. Welcome to 2008.

"The @ reply is a feature that is becoming popular on the web". He can't even say Twitter. Jesus. Buzz = Non-Enterprise Google Wave?

Google Buzz. How many poxy products have had that name. Including Yahoo. Up there with Bing.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland