Die, Black UIs, Die Die Die

#“Die, Black UIs, Die Die Die”

I mentioned this on Twitter over the past two days. I absolutely hate black-heavy user-interfaces on anything. It was prompted by my trial of the soon-to-be-released Ubuntu 10.04.

All previous versions of Ubuntu had a colour scheme even more offensive than black: pooh brown. It's the first thing I change whenever I install it. I was really happy to see the purple boot screen on this new version of Ubuntu but that turned to horror when it finally loaded and everything else was black.

The black default is why I don't use Tweetdeck. Ditto Twibble on the N95-8GB. Yes I've tried dicking around with the colour scheme but life is too short. Let's not forget Vista too.

Why do I hate black? Because, as I said to @belazir, these are the words I think of when I encounter a black UI:

  • Dark
  • Forboding
  • Uninviting
  • Sleazy
  • Nasty
  • Illegal
  • Warez

So yay for black clothes to make people look sexy. But boo to black UIs that make us all look like script-kiddies.


Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland https://conoroneill.net