Quick conoroneill.net Stattos

#“Quick conoroneill.net Stattos”

I've been blogging since 2001 and have long since lost any interest in stats on my blog posts. I never check non-biz related stats. But for interest's sake I've been monitoring conoroneill.net since it is a brand-new blog.

I dunno if these stats are good, bad or indifferent for a new blog that is 99% promoted via Twitter and Facebook links. The one that jumps out at me is that whilst Twitter generates 18% of the visits, Facebook only generates 4%. That's a reflection of the much smaller number of people I'm connected to on FB and their mainly non-tech demographic.

So according to Posterous since Feb 3rd 2010:

And according to Google Analytics from Feb 16th to Mar 18th:

  • 1,313 visits
  • 1,608 PVs
  • Direct = 51%, Twitter = 18%, Google = 9%, Posterous = 4% and Facebook = 4%


Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland https://conoroneill.net