My Mobile Broadband setup due to Eircom's Uselessness

#“My Mobile Broadband setup due to Eircom’s Uselessness”

From midnight to 7pm, Eircom broadband is actually pretty good. I now get a solid 6.1Mbs DSL connection on a 7Mbs line after clenaing up all the wiring in the house. But at 7pm'ish every evening it collapses. I'm not talking slow, I'm talking 1993-era 14.4kbs type speeds and worse. Around 9pm we have nothing. 0bps. Contention my hole, this is a joke.

I always say that I can work anywhere on the planet as long as I have a decent internet connection. I'm coming to the conclusion that Bandon along with Ulan Bator will have to join the exclusion list.

To combat thse probelms, I finally got my Mobile Broadband antenna setup with enough bandwidth to do the basics. I switch to this at 7pm every night now. However it does makes me feel like I'm living in a mud hut in Somalia with a giant CB radio aerial trying to contact the next village to discuss water buffalo prices.

Here is the final fixed setup:

Note that every video I made on Qik today was streamed over that connection. Not fully live but not bad.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland