Want to see how the new Google VP8 video looks?

#“Want to see how the new Google VP8 video looks?”


  1. Grab a nightly build of the Chromium Browser
  2. Install it
  3. Sign-up for HTML5 testing on YouTube (thanks GammaGoblin!)
  4. Go watch the Prince of Persia Trailer here in that browser
  5. If you see HTML5 and WebM in the footer of the video (as above), then you are watching a video in your browser without Flash and without the patent-riddled H.264
  6. Click on 720p to get the best quality.
  7. I can't see how to go full screen on it tho. Presumably that is coming soon.
  8. It's all done using HTML5 and the VP8 codec that Google fully open-sourced last week
  9. Mightn't mean much to you as a punter but as you can see, the quality is bloody good
  10. The lack of patents or single-vendor lock-in is why HTML, http and other web standards were able to thrive and enable new businesses
  11. The lack of a decent alternative to Flash as a delivery mechanism for video is why it thrived in the same period
  12. Let's hope we see VP8 and the WebM project enabling a whole new generation of video products and businesses.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland https://conoroneill.net