#“Bloody Brilliant Move by PROfounders Capital - Open-Office Hours”
Announcing PROfounders Open-Office Hours. Any startup, no agenda, 30 mins, no VC screening, lets chat.
We have been thinking about this for a long time, but we need to thank Mike Butcher (http://bit.ly/a5dnKh) for the nudge. We are happy to announce PROfounders Capital Open-Office Hours.
As a first test, we have set aside three hours on Thursday June 10th and three hours on Thursday July 8th for Open-Office Hours. That will be a total of 24 slots for any startup company to come it. First come, first serve on signups.
We are using BookingBug for anyone to sign up for the thirty-minute slots.
Book here: http://uk.bookingbug.com/home/11306
The rules are very simple: startups only, 30 minute slots, and no agenda. We can talk about anything you want: fundraising, strategy, product, distribution, the weather, etc. However, we wont waste 10 minutes telling you about PROfounders (just read the website beforehand: www.profounderscapital.com).
This should be fun!
My kind of VC company.
I won't even bother go into the details of my last attempt to pop into an Irish VC to find out about their new Fund.