Bloody Brilliant Move by PROfounders Capital - Open-Office Hours

#“Bloody Brilliant Move by PROfounders Capital - Open-Office Hours”

Announcing PROfounders Open-Office Hours.  Any startup, no agenda, 30 mins, no VC screening, lets chat.  

We have been thinking about this for a long time, but we need to thank Mike Butcher ( for the nudge.  We are happy to announce PROfounders Capital Open-Office Hours. 

As a first test, we have set aside three hours on Thursday June 10th and three hours on Thursday July 8th for Open-Office Hours.  That will be a total of 24 slots for any startup company to come it.  First come, first serve on signups.

We are using BookingBug for anyone to sign up for the thirty-minute slots.

Book here: 

The rules are very simple: startups only, 30 minute slots, and no agenda.  We can talk about anything you want: fundraising, strategy, product, distribution, the weather, etc.  However, we wont waste 10 minutes telling you about PROfounders (just read the website beforehand:

This should be fun!

My kind of VC company.

I won't even bother go into the details of my last attempt to pop into an Irish VC to find out about their new Fund.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland