Very quick thoughts on Facebook Places

#“Very quick thoughts on Facebook Places”

  1. U.S. Only to start with. Grrrrrrrrrr
  2. Mobile-Web-based for most which is fine
  3. iPhone before Android. Grrrrrr.
  4. Facebook Pages are not the sames as Places Pages. That's a bit odd. Surely the intersection of a Page's Fans (or Likers or whatever they are called now) and people who check-in is really powerful? Or is it that you have one Starbucks Page but you need 400,000 Starbucks Places Pages? Which makes sense I guess.
  5. But it does mean every business starting all over again from scratch building a "fan-base". And on which one do Fans hang out and where do the companies interact with fans? Or will Pages start being deprecated in favour of Places Pages? Given that you can now advertise either on Facebook.
  6. Haven't been able to claim our business yet (later today?)
  7. This is gonna be huge. And I don't care what anyone says about pure-play check-in Apps like 4SQ or Gowalla. Unless they have something else, utterly unique, to build on top of this, they are dead-meat.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland