Google Buzz Team Nearly Gets It Right

#“Google Buzz Team Nearly Gets It Right”

The single most important feature missing from Buzz since the day it launched is the ability to hide all the Twitter/Friendfeed/Flickr/Reader/Whatever auto-imports that everyone was doing. When you strip away all of that time-delayed crap you could get to the heart of the service. 

They have just announced that you can now mute per source per person. For which they should be applauded. 7 months later. 7 months after I and a ton of other people banged on and on and on and on about it. But of course they had to leave out the real feature we wanted "Turn off Twitter Globally" "Turn off Friendfeed Globally". C'mon, man-up and accept that it isn't working as a cess-pit of bot imports.


But because I have always wanted the service to work (tough love guys, tough love) I am now going to disable all of the services for all of the people I follow, one by one, just to see how many are actually using Buzz. People who are actually there, not their bots. From a group of approx 160 people, I'm predicting 4-5.

The service should always have been check-in integration and discussion built on top of Google Places. And that functionality is there on Android, albeit totally unknown by 99% of users.

In the meantime hallloooooooo Facebook Places.



Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland