HTC Desire Playing Nice with iGo Stowaway Keyboard

#“HTC Desire Playing Nice with iGo Stowaway Keyboard”


I got an iGo Stowaway Keyboard nearly three years ago for my Nokia N95-8GB and N770 at a knock-down price. I still think it is one of the greatest pieces of industrial design out there. It never got huge use but was invaluable when I really needed it. For the past few months I've used it as the keyboard for our Boxee PC.

I'm heading up to cover the Dublin Web Summit for Web2Ireland tomorrow and I'm in no mood to lug around a laptop and spare batteries. So the thought struck me "I wonder can I get the iGo working with my Android phone?". A bunch of googling showed me to be very late to the party. There are a lot of iGo fanatics and people have been trying to get this working since the G1 came out.

It appears that Google dropped the ball on Keyboard/Mouse support in Android and only barely support it now. However I found an app/driver called BlueInput which gets the iGo talking to my HTC Desire. It's not exactly perfect with lots of problems around numbers, punctuation etc, but hell, 9.99 beats the 80 that a new compatible fold-up keyboard would cost.

So I'll be easy to spot as the total dork phone-blogging tomorrow!

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland