Google Account Transition - Argggghhhhhhhh

#“Google Account Transition - Argggghhhhhhhh”


I have long complained about the fact that Google Apps Accounts can't do the same things as normal Google Accounts. The problem was exacerbated by Google allowing people to create half-assed Google Accounts with the same email address as their Google Apps account but which were in fact completely different.

Google is rightly now trying to clean this mess up and I don't envy them but gawd it's a complete pain in the arse.

So we transitioned all of the LouderVoice accounts over the other day. Except we actually didn't because my non-Google-Apps but Google-Account email is hooked to an AdWords and AdSense account and they haven't been transitioned yet. So that's Pain 1.

Pain 2 - Everyone else is completely freaked out by the message they get from Google about killing theirnon-Google-Apps but Google-Account emails and replacing them with Not only that but GMail on the iPhone gets completely confused by all of this messing and you end up in a logout-login cycle which eventually sorts itself out.

Pain 3 - Google Docs is having a really hard time. It's letting me access some files but not others. Even worse, it is transient, so re-trying seems to work. See the attached pic for a doc that I created!

It's going to be a horrible few weeks for Google Apps Account holders but hopefully when the dust settles, all will be well.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland