I had to buy Cracking Contraptions today

#“I had to buy Cracking Contraptions today”


I was in Waterstones in Cork with my 7 y/o daughter today and I spotted Wallace & Gromit's Cracking Contraptions Manual. I squealed with glee when I saw it. Done in the style of a Haynes manual with obligatory tea stain and repaired ripped cover, it is a work of utter awesomeness.

As a past owner of 3, yes 3, desperately unreliable Citroens (BX, AX and Xantia), I am intimatelyfamiliarwith the inside of a Haynes manual. I even had one on carbuerettors due to the BX only doing 20MPG. I never sorted that problem out. Or the electrics on the AX.

The Wallace & Gromit one delves into the details of every contraption, including the house itself and the robo-dog, Preston.

If you are looking for a christmas pressie for any vaguely technical man (go on, call me sexist), you won't find better than this.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland https://conoroneill.net