A new lease of life for the Nokia N95-8GB

#“A new lease of life for the Nokia N95-8GB”

The only use my old and much loved N95-8GB has had in the past year has been as the backup phone for my Voda SIM when I go to the UK. But I hate seeing still-good tech lay unused.

My 11 y/o son is massively into magic at the moment and is damned impressive at doing sleight of hand card tricks. Himself and his best friend have started making videos and posting them on YouTube (hands only!).

But the tech they have been using has proven just too damned difficult. It was:
  • Old Canon DV-CAM with tape removed
  • Firewire cable from that to ancient Acer Laptop
  • Laptop running Ubuntu Maverick
  • Editing attempted on both Kino and Kdenlive
Both Kino and Kdenlive are wrecking their heads. It's not just the horrific UIs, it's the relentless crashing when they try to do anything. Their needs are pretty simple:
  • Record video live
  • Maybe over-dub verbal mistakes
  • Trim here and there
  • Add a title
Coincidentally, my old HTC G1 phone has become totally unreliable and the youngfella was bitching that he couldn't even hear people on it so I gave him the N95-8GB and he was happy. Then he discovered that it could record pretty decent video. Then he discovered it can edit video, on the handset!

So he is thrilled. All their recent videos have used the N95-8GB instead. I think the only thing he can't do is text overlays. So I have to try and figure that out for him using something else.

If Nokia could push the whole "stop being a dumb consumer of content, generate content instead" angle of N8 over other smartphones, they might sell a few more?

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland https://conoroneill.net