#“My 368 Days of Posterous - The Stats”
Hard to believe it's been a full year since I started on Posterous. The idea behind it was simple - I was scatter-gunning techie posts across several blogs and they just didn't belong there mixed in with foodie stuff and business. I wanted somewhere I could completely geek-out but with zero effort. Over the year I think most posts have taken 5 minutes to write and the bulk of them were sent by email when I was killing some time or on a lazy Saturday.
So the headline stats since Feb 3rd 2010 according to Posterous:
- 285 Posts
- 25 Posterous Subscribers
As we know, Posterous just randomly invents view numbers so take that last one with a big pinch of salt.
But if the Posterous numbers were right then my initial posts have had 200-300 views over the year and my more recent ones had 3000-4000.
I have to say I'm not tempted to move from Posterous despite the lock-in. The auto-tweet and auto-Facebook are the only ways I "distribute" the posts and that gives me enough feedback to keep me happy. Oh and in case you were wondering, yes, blog comments are dead, I get far more replies to each post as Tweets or Facebook replies. Pity Posterous can't track those and show them in addition to retweet counts.