Maybe those Google AdWords Vouchers can avoid being wasted

#“Maybe those Google AdWords Vouchers can avoid being wasted”

Yes it's that regular arrival in the post of a Google AdWords voucher that I can't use because we already have an AdWords account. Now they are offering 75 and it's a nice plastic card. I'd love to know how much money is spent on this vs the resulting new revenue. Possible alternatives I can think of are:

  1. Send them to every startup incubation centre in Irelandto hand out to start-ups
  2. Send them to Enterprise Ireland to hand out to start-ups
  3. Send them to the County Enterprise Boardsto hand out to start-ups
  4. Send them to every tech course in colleges around the country to give to students
  5. Send them to every OpenCoffee in Ireland
  6. Send them to every Chamber of Commerce
  7. Sponsor a BarCamp and send a few hundred of them down
  8. Sponsor a BizCamp and send a few hundred of them down
Any other ones you can think of?

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland