Is Google Insane? Blocking Facebook Contacts Sync on Nexus S

#“Is Google Insane? Blocking Facebook Contacts Sync on Nexus S”

That's an absolutely killer feature of Android. Blocking it shows just how scared they are of FB.

Of course if they'd listened to me and all the geeks on Jaiku back in the day before they launched Android……
But then I'm just repeating myself for the thousandth time.

Luckily there is a strong Developer community on FB and a strong one on Android too. I expect a workaround for this within days, hours even.

As for claiming it's because "you can't export your data". Bullcrap, if they had spent less time on things like Pubsubbubblydubblydubhub in Buzz, they might have ended up with a usable and useful product, not an open standards showcase that no-one uses.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland