Has the Horror of upgrading Windows on your Sage machine improved?

#“Has the Horror of upgrading Windows on your Sage machine improved?”

One of our admin machines is stuck on XP for a very good reason - Sage Instant Accounts. It's a piece of software we truly detest but we started using it in 2004 and moving to another solution has never looked easy. Also none of those solutions looked much better.

In an ideal world, Sage (or a competitor) would figure out SaaS properly, give us one-click import of 7 years of data into a cloud-based solution and work seamlessly from then on with local Irish accountants, Irish VAT etc etc. Jam in online payroll software and we'd have total win. No more stupid disks or end-of-year manuals in the post, no more paying for maintenance that we never use. Just a low monthly fee based on our feature usage. Then we could say goodbye forever to those Windows 3.1 dialogs that still hide under the modern skin they applied around version 10.

"Would you like to back up to a floppy disk?".

Every time we upgraded machines in the noughties, the brain-melter was Sage. You literally had to install the original 2004 disk and then apply every upgrade after that in sequence until you were up to date, then you re-imported your most recent backup. Invariably I'd screw up some step and have to do it all over again. Same for the Payroll app.

So here we are in 2011 with Sage v12 installed on XP. What are the chances that our upgrade would consist of:
  1. Backup all data
  2. Install clean copy of Windows 7
  3. Install Sage V12
  4. Import backup
Anyone know?

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland https://conoroneill.net