See Amazon, I WANT to give you my money

#“See Amazon, I WANT to give you my money”

Amazon on Android is a bad joke if you live outside of the US. Apart from a UK specific MP3 store, you are screwed everywhere else. So I was thrilled to get both their Android App Store and US MP3 Store working on my Irish phone this evening. (Hint:>Get US Credit Card->Create New US Amazon account->Set English-US on your phone->Buy initial apps on incl MP3 App->Result)

What was the first thing I did? Did I rip-off some poor musician? Did I carry out copyright infringement on some record label? Did I ride roughshod over international IP law? Did I damage Ireland's reputation as somewhere an international IP brokerage could be created?

Yes I did, if you think like the idiots running the music industry.

For people living in the real world, I bought a real song with real money.

I'm sure a couple of cents will go to the musician whilst the rest goes on coke and hookers for their label and the music industry lobbyists. The sooner they can figure out how get the hell out of their own way, the sooner piracy will go back to being something only teenagers do and have always done.

Oh almost forgot, the Amazon App store on the phone is glitchy but the web buying experience is superb.

The Cloud Player is just awesome. Buy a song and store it to the Cloud. Takes a few seconds. Then stream to your phone or store locally on the phone.

It'll be interesting to see how the Google Cloud Music experience compares. I have the latest drop of the Google 3.0 player on my phone and it's so frustrating to see the streaming menu options greyed out. I also find the UI a bit confusing, as did my techie 11 y/o son. Also awful whilst driving. Needs big assed buttons.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland