How to Add +1 to your site (oh and Google Places API Note)

#“How to Add +1 to your site (oh and Google Places API Note)”

Add +1 to your pages to help your site stand out

+1 buttons let people who love your content recommend it on Google search

Shur it can't do any harm. Already adding to some of our sites. All we need now is Google's Graph API.

How does a site stand out when millions of other sites have the same feature? Just wondering.

BTW, the Google Places API is now open to everyone. Disappointed there is no Reviews API.

Which reminds me, the Places API when it was in Beta had the same outcome as every other attempt I have made to get access to a Google Beta API. I never got any response when I filled out yet another Google Doc Form That No-one in Google Ever Reads.

Why do they bother with those forms? Don't get me started on the /dev/null that is the Rich Snippets request form.


Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland