Put this on your phone NOW! - Organ Donor ECard

#“Put this on your phone NOW! - Organ Donor ECard”

Currently in Ireland 650 people are awaiting transplantation. This will only happen if suitable organ donors are found for them. Transplantation is entirely reliant on the publics willingness to donate organs.

Your next-of-kin are more likely to carry out your wish to donate your organs after your death, if they have had a conversation with you, or they can see evidence of your wish somewhere.

The traditional organ donor card is one such tool that conveys this message to them.

This organ donor E-Card is another, maybe more convenient method, for you to convey the message to your family and the emergency services. As part of the App we will send a free sms text message to your next-of-kin to start the conversation rolling.

When a National Organ Donor Registry (a central database) is established we will ask you to submit the details in your App so you can be included on the Registry.

Please keep this App symbol on the front page of your phone. The emergency services will be trained to look for it to identify you.

Thanks to Michel Walsh for pointing this out on Google+ yesterday.


I am strongly of the opinion that organ donation should become an opt-out process, not opt-in.

But in the meantime, I'll have this on my phone along with a traditional card in my wallet.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland https://conoroneill.net