Physicist cuts plane boarding time in half - Except in Ireland

#“Physicist cuts plane boarding time in half - Except in Ireland”

"This savings could be as much as $110,000,000 annually per carrier--well over a billion dollars for the industry--and likely could be more given the parallel nature of the boarding process," Steffen writes in a recent follow-up paper. "Indeed, a test with a longer aircraft may show surprising results in this regard."

As anyone who travels regularly know, 97% of Irish people are genetically incapable of boarding a plane quickly, efficiently or correctly.

The best example of this that I encountered was on a recent Ryanair flight to Stansted. The person in front of me got on the plane via the rear door, decided to pick the second-last seat, spent several minutes dicking around in the aisle with their bags and finally turns around and asks "oh did you want to get past?".

You also see people with no hand-baggage queuing for a plane with assigned seating, before the plane has even landed.

So whilst the Steffen Method looks wonderful, the only way it will work here is if cattle prods were involved. I would love to see Ryanair try this. The cattle prods I mean.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland