I think we passed Facebook peak 3 weeks ago.

#“I think we passed Facebook peak 3 weeks ago.”

I normally don't get overwrought about Facebook changes as they rarely affect me much. e.g. the Subscribe thing is a poor imitation of Twitter so I simply don't use it.

But removing the option to show all stories chronologically?

That's just not on!
I called Facebook peak at 21m users. Never one to learn from my mistakes, I'm calling it again at 750m users, or whatever they were are at three weeks ago.

Also, whilst I'm at it, they should buy Turntable.fm and forget all those other music things they are announcing tomorrow.

And Boxee.

And Hulu

And make them all global and let us pay for shows using Facebook credits.


Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland https://conoroneill.net