Happy 10 Years XBOX

#“Happy 10 Years XBOX”

XBOX users also have access to arguably the best media center application on any platform. XBMC started because the XBOX needed a good media player, but it evolved into something so much larger. Streaming media files from the network with library organization, weather support, XBOX game trainers, a game/program launcher, and an entire build of python to run a plethora of scripts which can be created by anyone. XBMC has been unsurpassed by many other media applications, some of which you must pay for.

I always love it when CE devices last way beyond their intended obsolescence date. We still have two XBOXes which are used daily as XBMC media players.

Both bought secondhand, both hacked, both utterly brilliant. The most recent version of XBOX4XBMC was only released a while back.

We'll keep using them until the majority of video becomes MP4, which unfortunately they usually don't have enough welly to play.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland https://conoroneill.net