Yeah, so I got an iPad. Let the Flaming Commence :-)

#“Yeah, so I got an iPad. Let the Flaming Commence :-)”

It's for work, alright? Seriously tho.

First impressions:

  1. Great for doing demos. Spent all morning doing so.
  2. Very good browser
  3. Love that smart cover thingy.
  4. The Next buttons during initial setup are too small
  5. Nice to see you don't need a bloody computer any more to set it up
  6. No idea what any of the icons in the email client do. Is one of them Delete or is that Archive? Where's the Help button? Acutally repeat that question for every App
  7. Email client itself is desperately clunky. Installing GMail now.
  8. The all-caps keyboard is so ridiculous I snort every time I use it
  9. The App Store exiting every time I install an App is infuriating
  10. With volume at zero it still makes noises for some notifications
  11. It can only install one App at a time - ever hear of multi-tasking?
  12. All of the Twitter clients are utter garbage. Not one of them uses all the screen real-esate in any beneficial way. This is actually shocking. And Tweetdeck for iPad is gone. Big opportunity still there.
  13. No idea if iCloud is actually working. I assume so. The lack of a notification bar like Android is quite frustrating.
  14. Accesses the mobile hotspot on my Android phone perfectly
  15. Its auto-correct is even worse than Android. And the cancel pop-up is so tiny I have to tap it 4 or 5 times.
  16. Speaking of which, I find the touch screen very unresponsive for things like the clear-button in the search box.
  17. Do any Apps use the lock-screen for things like weather? Or can they?
  18. VPN setup looks easy enough. Will do that later.
  19. But yeah, it's the perfect TV Second Screen. No doubt about it :-)

Go on then, hit me with your favourite Apps. I've grabbed some of the interesting Top Selling free ones already. Thrilled to see Dropbox there. I also bought Instapaper and Keynote.

Looking forward to the Asus Transformer Prime in the new year ;-)


Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland