Sen Sherlock Needs to Watch and Listen To This

#“Se\u00e1n Sherlock Needs to Watch and Listen To This”

I listened to last night's TWiT podcast in the car this morning on the way from Cork to Dublin. The bulk of it is a brilliant debate between host Leo Laporte and guest Nilay Patel about online piracy, SOPA and intellectual property rights. 

What's marvellous about it is that both of them seem to initially be in opposition to each other but both have extremely relevant points to make and refine their arguments. Of course the Louis CK experiment comes up too.

So before some junior Minister, along with some Civil Servants, devise some nonsense piece of legislation to "block illegal downloading sites", they need to listen very closely to both people in the podcast.

You will never, ever, stop copying of media once it becomes "bits", but there are ways of minimising it to the benefit of all.

And that means providing all media, to anyone, anywhere in the world, when they want it and where they want it, for a fair price. (cf Louis CK). It's 2011, the internet is global. Time for media companies to accept it and stop treating their customers like they are all potential thieves.

Sidenote: More of this kind of thing please Leo, I nearly unsubbed from TWiT recently due to the repetitiveness of it in the past few months.


Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland