If you develop on Twitter APIs in Ireland, you have to attend Dublin Teatime

#“If you develop on Twitter APIs in Ireland, you have to attend Dublin Teatime”

I attended the first London Twitter Teatime back in October. It was an organisational disaster but an absolute must-not-miss. We were in a big room with not just some key Twitter technical people but also with many of the key third party developers in the UK including the DataSift and PeerIndex guys.

The Q&A session was particularly good with no-one being too shy about asking the hard questions (cough Twitter Annotations).

Big congrats to Donal Cahalane and the guys here for announcing Twitter Dublin Teatime. If there is one thing you can be sure of with Donal involved, the event will kick ass.

Given the burst of activity around Twitter here in the past 24 months, there are going to be some amazing people to talk to on the night.

All details over on Web2Ireland.org and sign-up on Twitter. Numbers are limited, and given that London was jammed, I’d sign-up right now if I was you.

See ya there.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland https://conoroneill.net