Ubuntu for Android - All the Horror of Unity in your pocket

#“Ubuntu for Android - All the Horror of Unity in your pocket”

Why carry two devices, when you could carry only one? Your next high-end smartphone has far more horsepower than youll need on a phone, and more than enough for a laptop. So weve brought Android together with Ubuntu, the worlds favourite free operating system, to give you a full productivity desktop that fits in your pocket. Android for the phone experience, Ubuntu for the desktop, all on one device, running at the same time.
via Ubuntu for Android | Ubuntu.

Shudder shudder shudder. Ubuntu, please stop releasing new products and hire some people who know the first thing about OS GUIs. Unity is the first GUI on any platform (desktop, mobile, game) where my kids couldn’t find their apps.

Hands up who uses the Libreoffice Powerpoint clone on Ubuntu more than the Terminal. I rest my case.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland https://conoroneill.net