Lego should partner with Raspberry Pi and App Inventor

#“Lego should partner with Raspberry Pi and App Inventor”

I’ve written before about how Lego Mindstorms is ridiculously overpriced. Whilst the intent was probably good, it is so far from the brilliance of cheap educational plastic blocks that they need to start again.

I love the idea of building robotics kits and teaching kids about basic programming in the process. In theory I’m also a big fan of MIT App Inventor having Mindstorms integration but the problem is price. The kids who could benefit most from the opportunities presented by these learning tools are the ones least likely to be able to afford them.

But now we have Raspberry Pi. Something most people, even in a recession, can afford.

Raspberry Pi + Mindstorms Control Logic + App Inventor for 50. Change education forever. Do it.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland