I think I've found the ultimate alarm clock project

#“I think I’ve found the ultimate alarm clock project”

As part of the kids and I playing around with Arduino, Sibal thought that we should try and find an alarm clock project for her to build. I’ve found some amazing ones with features like Vacuum Flourescent Tubes but they are a very pricey and the mechanical learning ones on Amazon don’t really keep time

Then today I found this, The Acoustic Alarm. I have no idea how the designer made it but it’s just beautiful. I think we would just need to add a real-time clock to our basic Arduino kit with the servo to do the movement piece. Then Sibal could throw her 8 y/o artistic brain at doing the physical casing etc. If we make any progress I’ll let you know.


Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland https://conoroneill.net