Your teens going mental in all this Irish rain? Send them over to Maker Camp now

#“Your teens going mental in all this Irish rain? Send them over to Maker Camp now”

Maker Camp, sponsored by MAKE magazine, is a virtual summer camp for teens, with a focus on creating, building, and discovering. We'll be making 30 awesome projects in 30 days on Google+. Maker Camp is free and open to all, and runs from July 16th through August 24th.

A genuinely great use of Google+.

Today rocket guru Rick Schertle is teaching how to make two different kinds of rockets. Head on over to G+ at 8PM Ireland/UK for the kick-off from the New York Hall of Science.

Some more info on Google’s blog. And they’ve even put a link on the homepage of!

I’m already badgering our bored eldest to get involved. We actually got the magazine that a lot of the projects are based on, a few weeks back.

UPDATE: Yup, the youngfella is interested. If nothing else, he now has a Google+ account. Of course the way I told him about it was to send him a PM on Facebook.

UPDATE 2: Alex Leonard correctly pointed out a terrible oversight in the original version of this post. I somehow managed to mention Google+ without complaining about the lack of a Write API. Come on Google, hurry up. Fixed :-)

UPDATE 3: Fair comment from our 13 y/o - he was surprised by the low-quality of the video. He assumed, given the companies involved, that it’d be at least 720p. Very hard to make things out at 480p. Hopefully video quality of upcoming days will improve as they won’t be doing off-site.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland