Open Data Ireland's first meetup tonight in Engine Yard

#“Open Data Ireland’s first meetup tonight in Engine Yard”

Great to see this Meetup happen and big props to Eamon and the crew for hosting.If you are interested in getting involved in OpenData in Ireland please attend. Registration is here but the event is free.

Ireland needs to get beyond talking about OpenData and start increasing the number of people actually Opening Up The Data in a big way. The Irish tech community has to lead by example and that means just doing it.

(Apologies to Code For America for the visual knock-off)

There is so much data out there that anyone with even a modicum of technical ability could unleash. The most complicated thing I had to do in geo-coding the Property Price Register was to merge two columns in Excel!

I’m hopefully (the Eircom DSL gods permitting) going to give a short talk remotely from Bandon, long known as “The Silicon Valley on the N71” :-) I’ve a few bits n bobs to describe, some thoughts to share and some ideas I hope others can run with.

Ideally we’ll do the whole thing as a Google+ Live Hangout so anyone can connect in. Sign up for the Hangout here. I’ll post the Live URL if we have success with it. If that falls apart then I’m afraid it’ll just be point-to-point Skype.


Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland