Sibal's Halloween Eye of Deatttttttttth

#“Sib\u00e9al’s Halloween Eye of Deatttttttttth”

Myself and Sibal put together a really simple but effective spooky eye for Halloween recently. It caused great interest in her school during Halloween dress-up day just before mid-term.

It simply consists of an old ping-pong ball with a hole dremeled into it and large bright red LED inserted into the hole. That’s connected via a resistor and long wires down her arm to her wrist which has a PP9 battery taped to it. That leads to an on-off switch in her hand so she can catch people unaware.

It is genuinely scary in the dark and the bright LED created freaky concentric circles which were missing when we used a smaller duller LED.

The main things it made us think of were Terminator, the Daleks and Davros.

Time to start planning next Halloween.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland