OpenVPN on Windows 8

#“OpenVPN on Windows 8”

I’m two months using Windows 8 64-bit on my desktop and I’m still ok with it. The only real weirdness is a lot of disk churning even when nothing is happening. I turned off indexing but to no avail.

The only major annoyance has been OpenVPN. Whilst it works fine when it’s on, the problem arises when I disconnect or shut it down. The routing gets all messed up and I cannot connect to any external site. The fix is to disable/re-enable the network adapter which is a total pain in the ass.

I did some searching but didn’t find anyone else having the same issue. But I did find that there is finally [a] a new version of OpenVPN and [b] a 64-bit version. Even better, this official version works with saved passwords, which the old one didn’t.

I’ve been running it all morning and testing disconnect/re-connect. All seems fine. So if you are a BlackVPN or similar user and you are having Win 8 issues, give it a go. Obviously, like all other versions of OpenVPN, run as Administrator.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland