My presentation from 3D Camp Limerick. Hacking by Google Search - Building hardware with no electronics knowledge

I finally made it to 3D Camp on Saturday, Ireland's last remaining BarCamp-style event. Fantastic group of people talking about interesting fun things. My presentation was called: Hacking by Google Search - Building hardware with no electronics knowledge.

I’ve been meaning to go to 3D Camp since it first started. It has been about a lot more than 3D for many years. I finally did it on Saturday and had an absolute blast. I met people I’ve been tweeting at since 2007 and really got the full BarCamp mojo whilst I was there. James Corbett, the organiser, was kind enough to mention that I helped to organise the first BarCamp in Ireland with Walter and Damien way back in 2006. My only regret is that instead of a BarCamp in every town and village of Ireland every weekend, we now only have 3D Camp. I hope people will realise again soon how important it is to have regular free unconferences with no one hawking their wares, just sharing knowledge, the love of technology and what it can do for people.

OK, rant over, here’s my deck. It’s called Hacking by Google Search - Building hardware with no electronics knowledge. It’s basically a summary of all the messing I’ve been doing since mid-2012 when I got the electronics bug again. Anyone who follows this blog regularly will know most of it. But this one has animated gifs and some extra thoughts. It’s also all HTML, done using a tool called reveal.js. I really enoyed using this approach and it means it can be hosted on GitHub Pages, just like this blog. Well worth checking out for your own decks. You only need minimal HTML knowledge.

Conor O'Neill

Tech guy who likes running slowly

Bandon, Cork, Ireland